Aidan Maynard lives 30km east of Mildura on his family property Kerribee Station which is situated along the Murray river. 
Aidan`s great grandfather, Jack Maynard first bought rams from Ashrose in 1947, re-stocking after the drought in the early 40`s. Aidan`s grandfather, Jim also purchased rams when Rob Ashby returned home from school.
Aidan studied at Yanco Ag college and has a great eye for sheep.
Aidan first saw Old Ashrose rams at the Hay sheep show in 2014 and was excited by what he saw. This prompted him to attend the sale in 2014 and purchase his first ram. 
"Old Ashrose sheep have excellent lambing percentages and are fast maturing sheep of a good type" which is why Aidan returns to Old Ashrose each year.

Aidan Maynard with Lot 1 CPNA 57 purchased for $7,500 at the 2016 On Property Sale
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